Monday 20 April 2020

quiz arfter making biscuits

1 make a list of all the math u used in the biscuits:
weighing measuring timing counting

2 how many biscuits did you make do you think that everyone who makes the same recipe will have the same number of biscuits how and why:
I made 20 biscuits and probably not because everyone makes the biscuits different size they might have a tiny bit less mixter

3 explain how you could calculate the cost
you could divide it

4 change the recipe into a flow chart
I dont understand that one


  1. Hi Tylah

    Well done on making biscuits. What sort of biscuits did you make? There is a lot of maths involved in baking and if you aren't careful sometimes the recipe doesn't work very well. If you made 20 biscuits and there are 6 people in your family bubble, does this mean that you got 5 biscuits and everyone else got 3 each?

  2. Hi Tylah,
    Did you make the chocolate biscuits in the recipe I gave you? How were they? To draw a flowchart, you write or draw step one, then arrow it to step two, then arrow it to step 3 etc. Perhaps next time you could work out the exact price by going on to a supermarket website, pricing the ingredients and dividing by the amount. Now that would be some work :) See measurement in maths is useful and fun!
    Mrs G


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