Wednesday 22 April 2020



  1. Hi Tylah, Great slide presentation. I liked the way you had some ideas on what else you wanted to learn about, then answered them on the next slide. There was a great exhibit in Te Papa about Gallipoli a few years ago. I don't know if there's any information around about it, but it was interesting too. What else do you want to learn about ANZAC Day. How are you celebrating this year? Sharron

  2. Hi Tylah,
    Yes it is hard to imagine that these young men wanted to go to war voluntarily, which many did. However I understand unless there was a valid reason, it was expected that everyone the right age went. Neither of my grandads went to war, one because he had flat feet, and one because of varicose veins - both of which seem like odd reasons. Did you have relations go to war?
    Mrs Gibson


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